Basic course of r
Virtual course
Duration: 8 Hours
R is the leading programming language for statistical analysis and data management. R has an advantage over many other programs and that it is open source and also free !
The R program has a very steep learning curve, which is why learning how to use it can be overwhelming when starting out. Many people start using the R program at an advanced level, using data management and analysis functions that can be quite difficult for the newcomer to understand, that is why this course is designed to show the concepts step by step. basic programming in R, from understanding the different types of variables to the last section of the course where we will learn to perform advanced visualization of different types of graphs.
In each section, new concepts will be learned that we will strengthen with examples and an exercise at the end of each session to strengthen what has been learned.
The course is aimed at people with the interest of learning to program in R. They may have little knowledge of the program since we start from the basics, in the same way, people who have already used R are welcome, since they will realize and learn many features that this program has that you may not know about.
Given the current confinement situation as a result of COVID-19, this course is designed to be done online and in a short time (8 hours).
Addressed to:
Students, professors, researchers, consultants and the general public interested in learning to program in R
Understand the R Studio graphical interface
Understand what the different types of variables are and how they are used in R
Understand the basic functions of R and their arguments
Use packages to create advanced graphics
Make use of the R functions to answer different questions.

You'll learn:
• You will start in the world of R and you will learn to program
• You will learn the different types of Data and Objects available in R
• Learn to customize the console to your preference
• Learn to create vectors
• Learn to create variables
• Learn to create functions
• Learn to create conditionals and loops
• Learn to create and use matrices
• Learn to import and manage databases
• Learn to make different types of graphs
Are there requirements to take the course?
You do not need any previous knowledge or experience, you just need a computer with internet and a desire to learn.